Sunday, July 29, 2012

EVEN MORE Production Stills From The Lion In Winter!

Stay tuned for more from Zazen Productions!

Friday, July 13, 2012

It's Friday the 13th (why you should see our play tonight)!

Today is considered unlucky because it was on a Friday the 13th in the year 1307 that Philip IV, king of France, sent out the order that the Templars were guilty of heresy. Oddly enough, he was indebt quite a bit of money to the order as he used them to fund his war with England. Most of the knights were tortured and/or killed on that day. Friday the 13th has been deemed unfortunate ever since. It was VERY unfortunate for the Templars. They're numbers steadily decreased from that day on. Now, unless you're a conspiracy theorist, the Templar Order is no longer in existance.

If this day is so unlucky, why do I feel so blessed by the Universe to have such an amazing play performed by skilled and energetic actors? Why do I feel lucky to have an opportunity to share such a funny, yet emotional, play with both close friends and strangers? Why do I feel that tonight's performance is going to be the best of the entire run?

Tonight's show is going to be amaizing. Pure and simple, this is why you should come out to tonight's showing: it is a remarkable play performed by stellar actors in an intimate venue. The stage is a 'Modified Round' setting that really brings the audience in nice and close. Tonight will be a great night to get out as it will be cooler and not so dry. The weather is beautiful.

If this day truly is cursed, then what is the harm of sitting down for a few hours and watching the bad luck happen to other people? Nothing makes a rotten day better than watching other's have it worse. On a day that's as miserable, wet, gusty, and dusty as today, why not feel better by practicing a little Schadenfreude.

Either way, it will be worth the $12.
(Also, our play has a King Philip.)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tickets ONLINE!

You can now buy your tickets for The Lion In Winter by James Goldman here on The Zazen Production Log!

Show Info:

The Lion In Winter
July 6-8th & July 13-15th, 8:00PM
Collins College Film Studio
1425 W 14th St. Tempe, AZ 85281

You will receive an email receipt asking which of our six performances is best for you.  Once you have selected your desired date, your tickets will be made available at our Will-Call table.  We ask that all advance ticket holders arrive at least 30 minutes early.  With the exception of special circumstances, there will no refunds.
We can't wait to see you there!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Online Ticket Sales are Coming Soon!

Keep looking here for a link to our online ticket sales.  That should be up by next week!

The Actors Are Hard At Work

We couldn't have asked for seven better actors.  These people are working hard to embody the royal family of 1183.  As we watch them work, we get goosebumps.  It's actors with dedication and talent, like in this group, that are one of the two reasons that we do shows like this.

What's the other reason? Well, it's because of audiences like you!

Here are our fine thespians hard at work, blocking their scenes:

That last picture includes our executive producer and director, Bill Clayten.

He says, "Keep me out of the shots!  Let's make this about the actors and the performance; not about me."

Check Out Our Stage!

Doing Theatre-In-The-Round has its challenges. Here's one that is not standing in our way:  our stage!  We have an interesting design for our show.  It's a cross with quarter circles tucked into the corners.  Thanks to the hard work of our stage building crew, Shannon and Andy, we are rolling right along on schedule.

Here are some pics to get you exited...

Check back with us soon for pictures of our completed stage!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pre-Production Through The Month of April

First, I'd like to mention that we reached our goal on Kickstarter! That more than pays for the play's copyrights!  I'd like to thank all of the friends, family, and strangers that contributed to our fundraiser.  We couldn't have done it without you.

We still need more money!

There are different ways that we plan on doing this.  First, we are still seeking sponsorship from small businesses.  Second, we have another fundraiser happening online on indiegogo.  The one big difference between Kickstarter and indiegogo is that you don't have to reach your goal to get your funds.  So, we won't be hard-selling on this fundraiser.  It's simply there for anyone that wanted to contribute to the last one, but missed the deadline.  Third, there is a strong possibility of a loan against a small percentage of ticket sales.  And finally, we are putting together a few events that could easily sponsor our little play.  If you feel that you could contribute in any way, please contact me, or my Production Manager, Rachel Torry,

Look for a promotional video that should be coming soon.

Pre-production as of right now consists of raising money, gathering crew, and organizing our content before we cast.  I have a tentative schedule, and I am meeting with the department head on Monday to solidify our calendar.

We meet at Zazen Productions' HQ every Thursday through the month April, and you are more than welcome to join us if you'd add your hands to this wonderful production!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pre-Order Your Tickets!

Our Kickstarter account is almost full; less than $100 to go!

We now have a new way to contribute.  You can pre-order your tickets through PayPal.  We give two VIP seats to anyone that donates $20 through the month of May.  Tickets at the door in July will be $12.  That's preferred seating at a reduced price!  How could you go wrong?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

We have 7 DAYS LEFT! Everybody, throw a dollar at the KICKSTARTER page! We still need $350 to get our money. If EVEREYONE on my friends list gives $1, we can PAY OUR ROYALTIES!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Kickoff For The Lion In Winter (rights still pending)

We had a great first meeting as we go into the pre-production phase of our show.  Most of the crew head and crew positions have been filled.  We still have need of an Assistant Director.  I'd like to introduce you to my crew as it stands:

Technical Director/Stage Design  --  Shannon Flahive
Production Manager  --  Rachel Torry
Stage Manager  --  Von Amoroso
House Manager  --  Michelle Piacenza
Properties Master  --  Lara Sorenson
Light Design  --  Tom Coffey
Online Marketing Manager  --  Matt Seale
Documentarian  --  Ruben Eredia
(There are still countless other willing to help that have not found their way into an official position yet.)

The most important thing right now is to focus on is fundraising.  We only need a few more sponsors.  What we do, besides offering an opportunity to donate to the arts, is give small businesses advertisement in our program.  They can buy quarter, half, and full page ads.  This gives us the money to provide professional quality performance art.  You can email us here at Zazen Productions for more information on our marketing packages.  You can also donate any amount at our Kickstarter page.  You can also follow us on Facebook.

For anyone interested in acting in our performance of The Lion In Winter, the first round of auditions will be held May 4th.  Our next meeting at Zazen Productions HQ is on March 29th, and it's open to all that wish to attend.

Here are some production stills taken at our first meeting by our documentarian, Ruben Eredia:

Gathered for our fist production meeting.

Budget was a big part of the meeting.  We've almost hit our goal!

We discussed our marketing opportunities.

Stage design for Theatre In The Round.

Thank you to everyone that made it to the meeting and everyone that tried to be there!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

First Post and First Meeting!

Hey everybody!  Welcome to the Zazen Production website and blog!  We are kicking off with our first production, a stage performance of James Goldman's The Lion in Winter.  Tonight is our first production meet for a show that goes up in July.  Pre-production time is so much fun!   More updates will be posted after tonight...