Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pre-Production Through The Month of April

First, I'd like to mention that we reached our goal on Kickstarter! That more than pays for the play's copyrights!  I'd like to thank all of the friends, family, and strangers that contributed to our fundraiser.  We couldn't have done it without you.

We still need more money!

There are different ways that we plan on doing this.  First, we are still seeking sponsorship from small businesses.  Second, we have another fundraiser happening online on indiegogo.  The one big difference between Kickstarter and indiegogo is that you don't have to reach your goal to get your funds.  So, we won't be hard-selling on this fundraiser.  It's simply there for anyone that wanted to contribute to the last one, but missed the deadline.  Third, there is a strong possibility of a loan against a small percentage of ticket sales.  And finally, we are putting together a few events that could easily sponsor our little play.  If you feel that you could contribute in any way, please contact me, or my Production Manager, Rachel Torry,

Look for a promotional video that should be coming soon.

Pre-production as of right now consists of raising money, gathering crew, and organizing our content before we cast.  I have a tentative schedule, and I am meeting with the department head on Monday to solidify our calendar.

We meet at Zazen Productions' HQ every Thursday through the month April, and you are more than welcome to join us if you'd add your hands to this wonderful production!

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